you are loved

you are loved

Thursday, April 28, 2016

  • The United States as a “Light Unto the World”

I believe the United States was to become a refuge and sign of new life for those emigrating from foreign lands. I think the lord knew his people would need a place where they can live and worship freely so he inspired people to explore new lands which eventually became the United States. I firmly believe that United States was discovered and organized by the hand of God to give his people the best environment to learn, teach and live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like the scripture says that the gospel of Jesus Christ and its members are a light unto the world so is the United States for they all bear witness of Gods power among the children of men. It’s no coincidence that people migrate to the United States for refuge and freedom that their mother countries don’t give them. The lord made the United States different from all other nations so its people can have freedoms no other country has.

  • The United States as the “Proper Host Nation for the Restoration of the Gospel.”

The United States at the time was the only country with the freedom of worship. There was no dominant faith like catholic or protestant like in most Europe countries at the time. In fact it was the religious oppression that brought immigrants to the United States because it was a blank canvas. Europe was the dominant powers at the time which create hindrances for the lords servants to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ

  • The Doctrine of an Inspired Constitution

I firmly believe that the lord was behind the creation of the Consitution. I think the lord knew what his people needed to flourish in life and in the gospel so he inspired men who saw a need for change and gave them the tools to accomplish it. I know the constitution isn’t word for word direct revelation. However for the most important parts the lord was there. If we look back on the human existence you can see God’s hand shaping, guiding and leading his people to where they need to be to truly flourish in life and in the gospel.

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