you are loved

Friday, May 29, 2015
Nurturing your relationship
"our greatest joys and sorrows in this world are in our family lives" by President Eryring. I love that qoute because to me simplifies all the complicated thoughts,emotions, experiences that occur in family life. President Eyring spoke of praying for stronger love to love your companion with. It takes great humility to pray for someone you maybe frustrated with but by the end of the prayer your frustration can be eased. When you start praying for your companion you start to have a change of heart towards your spouse. You can't change your spouse but you can change your behavior and thoughts of your spouse. Just like with a broken heart and contrite spirit Jesus Christ can heal broken hearts due to marriage conflict. I do believe focusing on the postive attributes of your spouse helps you to remember all the good times you had together. Remembering the good times can help bring back those good feelings toward each other. Nurturing your respect and admiration for each other can be like rediscovering each other. Ether way focusing on the postive things your spouse does will lessen your negative thoughts or frustration you may have towards them. At the end of the day you have to decide if your marriage relationship is your highest priority and if it is then you must do all you can to keep that relationship strong.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Positivty vs Negativity
I truly believe positivity comes from the lord and negativity's from the devil.I see positivity as the light and negativity's the dark. In my experience negativity weighs you down, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Eventually you start to believe the lies and your self worth is no more. Relationship expert John Gottman says couples who have a strong friendship are able to weather the storms of married life. He also spoke of emotionally intelliegenence being a key factor to successful marriage.So for example when your healthy emotionally, have a strong bond or friendship, they might have more postive interactions over negative reactions. When you fill your marriage with light it thrives. For example praying together, reading your scriptures, serving each other, spending quality time together, going to the temple would bring postive thoughts and feelings toward your partner. I truly believe in love and sacrifice as the foundation of a happy marriage. When you find a system that works for you as a couple then any conflict can be revolved. Negativity doesn't just destroy marriages but people as well. I truly believe when you choose your partner above all else and treat them as you'd treat yourself your marriage will succeed
Friday, May 15, 2015
Covenant Marriage
The temple has always been sacred to me growing up. I was taught I could be married for eternity in the temple. The temple is the lords house and endows members with power from on high. I loved Bruce Hafens talk covenant marriage and how he described the differences of contract and covenant marriage. Contract marriage is a piece of paper uniting the couple till death due them part while a covenant marriage is eternal. He also decsribed a couple might begin a contract marriage but can turn it into a covenant marriage through faith, obedenice and sacrifice.The attitudes toward contract marriage is different from the attitudes regarding eternal marriage. People think that they can enter into a marriage and end it at will. They do what feels good for a time then move on to somethng different. Some might say well if it doesn't work out we will just get a divorce. They expect to divorce at some point because that is what is happening in the world. Marriages crumble at any given moment so people enter into marriage already thinking to the end. While couples who enter eternal marriages see it as a beginning with no end. They realize marriage is hard but are committed to making last. They see getting married as a privialge, blessing, they revere marriage. When your looking ahead to the end, you sabatoge yourself and the marrage for in your heart its already over.
Single, married, young or old the temple is open for any worthy member seeking further enlightenment on their journey. The more you learn of the temple the more you learn of the eternal marriage relationship. Growing up getting married in the temple was my fairytale. Just having the knowledge marriage can be forever comforted me when those closest to me were divorcing. To the lord there is no higher honor than a family sealed through the holy priesthod.I had the privilage to witness a sealing or temple marriage ceremony and it truly was the most beautfiul thing I had ever witnessed. The couple getting married had prepared themselves phycially spiritually to be joined forever and neither of them were thinking about getting out of it. God was with this couple throughout the whole ceremony everyone could feel him there. We truly saw a gilmspe of heaven that day witnessing the love the couple shared for each other and the lord. The lord truly blessed this couple and approved their marriage. God is doing the same for all his children all around the world who are entering eternal marriages. That experience made me want a sealing of my own just as powerful as this couples were and we can attain that if we are faithful.
When we gain a true understanding of this principle we can get a small glimpse into the love god has for his children.There is no higher honor, or calling, nothing more sacred,pure, noble, than being sealed in the temple for eternity for when we do that we put ourselves in gods hands and we will never let us fall
Single, married, young or old the temple is open for any worthy member seeking further enlightenment on their journey. The more you learn of the temple the more you learn of the eternal marriage relationship. Growing up getting married in the temple was my fairytale. Just having the knowledge marriage can be forever comforted me when those closest to me were divorcing. To the lord there is no higher honor than a family sealed through the holy priesthod.I had the privilage to witness a sealing or temple marriage ceremony and it truly was the most beautfiul thing I had ever witnessed. The couple getting married had prepared themselves phycially spiritually to be joined forever and neither of them were thinking about getting out of it. God was with this couple throughout the whole ceremony everyone could feel him there. We truly saw a gilmspe of heaven that day witnessing the love the couple shared for each other and the lord. The lord truly blessed this couple and approved their marriage. God is doing the same for all his children all around the world who are entering eternal marriages. That experience made me want a sealing of my own just as powerful as this couples were and we can attain that if we are faithful.
When we gain a true understanding of this principle we can get a small glimpse into the love god has for his children.There is no higher honor, or calling, nothing more sacred,pure, noble, than being sealed in the temple for eternity for when we do that we put ourselves in gods hands and we will never let us fall
Saturday, May 9, 2015
same sex marriage
But as Elder Dallin H. Oaks has observed, “Tolerance does not require abandoning one’s standards or one’s opinions on political or public policy choices. Tolerance is a way of reacting to diversity, not a command to insulate it from examination.”
I undertand that everyone has right to express their opnions or belief but when you try to force it on others it becomes a problem. Marriage is between a man and woman as declared by God. Woman and men were created to be together, not man with man or woman with woman. Yes everyone has the right to express their belief but redefining marriage to fit the new norm will only hurt society in the long run. The sacredness of marriage will be lost as will the religous freedom. I don't want anyone to face discrimination or persecution for living their beliefs or being different but in my heart I know its not right. We need to uphold Gods law while being kind and repsectful to those who don't share beliefs. I personally fear Gods wrath more than societies so I will uphold Gods commandments to fight for traditional marriage and family
Friday, May 1, 2015
Meaning of marriage

Note: Creation of Groups
This course is organized in a way that you are able to regularly interact with others within a small group of approximately five class members. In fact, when you post comments to discussion board, these comments will be distributed to others within your small group. For the sake of maximizing learning, you are strongly encouraged to get to know others within your group and to be a contributing and cooperative member by looking for little ways to contribute to the learning of others. This is the Spirit of BYU-Idaho and is consistent with the learning model.
Group assignments will be randomly created in Week 1. In order to provide an opportunity for you to work with a larger number of students within the class, the groups will dissolve and new groups will be randomly re-created near the midterm of the semester (beginning of Week 7). Once again, when the new groups are created, please make the effort to get to know other group members. Doing so is a demonstration of charity. Also, keep in mind that during Week 6 and Week 12, you will evaluate the quality of discussion board posts of other group members, as mentioned in the syllabus.
Discussion Board Posts
The purpose of the discussion board is to provide a setting where students can submit and react to one another’s posts, in preparation for submitting a post to one’s personal, online marriage blog. Think of the discussion board as the work room where students teach one another and work together in order to increase the depth of learning and to prepare blogs that will help strengthen marriages. The discussion board is one of the primary learning tools for this course. Hopefully students will use it for its intended purpose. The effectiveness of the discussion board is dependent on the quality of interactions among students within a given group.
At the beginning of Week 1, students will be assigned to a group of approximately five students. Near the midterm of the semester the old groups will be dissolved and students will once again be assigned to a new group at the beginning of Week 7. This will provide an opportunity for students to work within two different groups during the course of the semester.
Initial Post: Due by Wednesday before 11:59 PM – As noted above, the rough draft of your post for your marriage blog is to be submitted to the discussion board no later than Wednesday evening. You will want to give group members as much time as possible to react to your post, so if possible submit it before Wednesday evening.
Second Post: Due by Friday before 11:59 PM - After the initial post of your rough draft, you are to read the rough draft posts from at least three other group members and react to what they have written. You are encouraged to respond by: posing good questions that further learning, sharing thoughts from a different perspective, building upon the comments of others, sharing an example that illustrates a principle or concept discussed by another member, sharing thoughts on how a principle could be applied, or by linking the comments of other group members to class readings or ideas learned in other classes. You are responsible to help other group members to create a blog that contains in-depth thoughts and is as polished and possible. Along with reacting to content, your efforts will be appreciated by group members if you point out errors in punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, etc. Especially pay attention to the context of what is written. Do the explanations from other students make sense and do they provide the background information needed to understand the principles?
Evaluation of Discussion Board Posts
Two times during the semester, your discussion board posts will be anonymously evaluated by your peers in your group using the "Discussion Board Grading Rubric," which is to be completed through I-Learn. This rubric is posted on I-Learn under “Discussion Board Peer Review” in weeks 6 and 12. You are entrusted to be honest in your evaluations. Assigning a student higher marks than what a student has earned not only does a particular student a disservice, but is dishonest. Moreover, inflated peer evaluations that are obviously out of touch with the quality of work of peers will negatively affect an evaluator’s grade. In short, you are expected to be honest in your evaluations of peers.
Peer evaluations will be based on the following criteria: (Worth 24 points each; 48 points total)
- Preparation: It is evident the student studied the assigned preparation material and was fully prepared to contribute to the learning of others and did not "wing it."
- Consistency: This group member consistently posted the rough draft of his/her blog to the discussion board by Wednesday, at the latest. Moreover, this group member consistently reacted to three group members’ posts per week and did so by Friday evening, at the latest.
- Depth of Feedback: Frank, in-depth feedback was given. The feedback helped group members to think more deeply about their written comments and to articulate their thoughts in a concise, logical, and persuasive manner. The feedback also focused on helping group members provide the context or background information so that posts would make sense to those who were unfamiliar with the content of the course.
- Helpfulness: This group member was genuinely interested in helping others improve their blogs. This member was patient, positive, and demonstrated charity through a willingness to go the extra mile to help other group members.
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