you are loved

you are loved

Friday, May 22, 2015

Positivty vs Negativity

I truly believe positivity comes from the lord and negativity's from the devil.I see positivity as the light and negativity's the dark. In my experience negativity weighs you down, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Eventually you start to believe the lies and your self worth is no more. Relationship expert John Gottman says couples who have a strong friendship are able to weather the storms of married life. He also spoke of emotionally intelliegenence being a key factor to successful marriage.So for example when your healthy emotionally, have a strong bond or friendship, they might have more postive interactions over negative reactions. When you fill your marriage with light it thrives. For example praying together, reading your scriptures, serving each other, spending quality time together, going to the temple would bring postive thoughts and feelings toward  your partner.  I truly believe in love and sacrifice as the foundation of a happy marriage. When you find a system that works for you as a couple then any conflict can be revolved. Negativity doesn't just destroy marriages but people as well. I truly believe when you choose your partner above all else and treat them as you'd treat yourself your marriage will succeed

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