Well another semeter has started at byu Idaho and I am studying the new testamment, Mainly acts through revelations. So this week I studied acts 1-8, 10-12. So what was the main theme of these scriptures? What was taught? The main theme was missionary work. Jesus Has acended into heaven after his ressurection and charged his apostles to teach the gospel and keep his church going. They bore powerful testimony of Chirsts divinity, they spoke boldly against sin. They called and ordained apostles and sent them all over to preach the gospel.Here is a short summary of what the apostles taught the people,
1.Calling and ordaining of the apostles.
2. Conferring the gift of the holy ghost by the laying on of hands
3. Christs death and ressurrection
4.propheys of the second coming
5, testimony of Christs divinity
6. Repent and be baptized by the proper authority and recieve the holy ghost.
7. testifies of the latter day gathering of israel
8. gospel preached to the gentiles
9. martydom of stephan
10. peter and john imprisoned
11. Missionary work.
This list is just a small part of the apostles efforts in teaching the gospel but its clear to see missionary work was the main objective in this scriptures
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