you are loved

you are loved

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Feburary 9,2012

this week has been an interesting week, we had exchanges on Wednesday and Thursday which was a lot of fun since i got to be with each sister and got to learn from them and show them our area and who we are teaching. we got to see one of our investigators who we couldn't get a hold of all week so i was pretty excited about that and i got to teach the restoration to a part member family while the sisters were here and i was really excited about it because i thought it went great and although we didn't get through the whole lesson the spirit was of our investigators dropped us which was hard since he really didn't try to find out for himself if it was true. i learned that i was trying to give the lord back my agency so i wouldn't have to make a decision that might be wrong, i didn't have confidence in my judgement so i was afraid to make decisions
 knowing i had no idea what the consequences might be so the sisters really comforted me and told me that i couldn't let fear rule my heart and if i did my best to follow the spirit and rely on the lord, he will take care of the rest and gave my scriptures on fearing not and suggested i keep a little miracle journal and pointed it out that if i had trust and confidence in the lord there would be no room for fear and doubt in my heart, so i have come to realize that my faith and confidence in him needs to improve and to rely on him which i haven't been doing, so it was another lesson and confronting the emotions i have ignored and the sisters were so wonderful and the spirit was there and so i know what i need to work on and realize i cant give back a divine gift of the lord and just do my best to use my judgement and the spirit to lead me in righteousness. i feel like i am growing and maturing in a way i never imagined, its like heavenly father is molding
 me after him and that my spirit and mind will be in harmony of his will and desires for me, i don't know i just know i am changing and hope it benefits everyone around me. i had a great day at church two investigators came and had a great time, so this week has been long and exhausting but it was good, the spirit was there and i learned and had great teachers and so you don't need to worry i am doing fine and although sis Bentley leaves in two weeks to go home and i get a new companion it will still be an adventure so i am looking forward to upcoming experiences.

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