February 27, 2012
well sister Bentley went home this week her mission is over and it was hard saying goodbye and miss her like a missing limb but i got a new companion named sister salmon who is really nice and i am the second greenie she has followed up trained since she followed up sister Bentley's greenie before me named sister luker so salmon has had sister Bentley's last two greenies.sister Bentley is doing well at home and is staying in contact with everyone. i have been showing sister salmon st Charles and our investigators, she was serving in champagn Illinois so this is her first area other than that and we have done a lot of tracking this week and stop by for less actives, this transfer was huge so there was different people going different directions. there are three elders and one sister missionary to our district so there is me and one elder from our district still here and now there are two sets of sister
missionaries in my district which is fun. i did a phone interview with a girl named Hannah who needed to interview a Mormon for a project for her religion class and so i answered her questions about our religion and she asked some really good questions that stumped me but it went well and she will be emailing me her report so i can make sure everything is right before she turns it in. we are going to see our most progressing investigator twice a week which i am excited about at a members home, this week has been crazy busy. Jenni
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