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you are loved

Thursday, July 2, 2015

sexual relations

"Sex is For Procreation and expression of Love. It is the destiny of men and women to join together eternal family units.In the context of lawful marriage,the intimacy of  sexual relations is right and divinely approved. There is nothing unholy or degrading about sexuality in itself, for by that means men and women join in the process of creation and in expression of love" President Spencer W Kimball 
Sexual relations is a intimate relationship not easily discussed. If Your a latter day saint you probably heard of what not to do in regards to sexual relations for example prematrial sex, fondling, pornography which is important to know don't get me wrong. Sexual sins are very serious so we must take the prophets council seriously. For this post I want to focus on Sexual relations in the marriage relationship. I love this qoute by President Kimball for he clearly stats that sex in the marriage relationship is beautiful and divine. There is no need to fear sex or be ashamed of proper sexuality in the marrage relationship. I myself am not married so I don't have personal experience to pull from but I can add my voice to the divinity of the sexual relationship in marriage.Satan has distorted the sexual relations between men and women. He has made it dirty,casual, dark, unholy. He has taken the divinity out of the act and warped the sexual desires of men and women. I personally think the more educated we are in sexual relations between husband and wife the less fear and anxiety we will feel towards sex. Its okay to ask questions about sex and be informed through the correct sources otherwise we will learn from the wrong sources. In my house growing up we didn't talk openly sex, I don't think my mom knew how to address it. So unfortuntaly tv, books and media taught me about sex and I went to my mom with questions and she had to give me the right information of sex. The more knowledge you have about something the more confident you are regarding that subject. The more educated we are about the correct use of sexual relations in marriage the less likely we are to have negative feelings toward sex. Satan wants us to feel dirty, ashamed, scared of our sexuality but not the lord. The lord created us to be sexual beings for the purpose of bringing children into the world in the marriage relationship. As long as we keep our sexaulity in the bounds the lord has set we will be open and confident in our sexuality in the marriage relationship. Sex isn't bad or sinful, as long its in the marriage relationship. nor is it always easy.If we follow the lords teachings toward sex and keep it in the marriage relationship our marriages will be blessed and the negative aspects toward sex will dissappear

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