you are loved

Thursday, June 25, 2015
Charity never faileth
Charity never faileth
"Love for Christ, Love from Christ, Love like Christ"
This qoute is from H, Wallace Goddards book called Drawing Heaven into your marriage.
He was talking about charity in the marriage relationship.
So what is charity? The scriptures describe it as the pure love of Christ. I also would add that it is also loving as Christ loves. How do we develop charity? in my opinion serving others helps us to develop charity.
"Charity is first and foremost the redemptive love that Jesus offers all of us.It is the love from Christ" I love this qoute because it shows the depth of Christs love for us. It also shows us that charity is a divine quality, one step further to perfection. So how do we show love for Christ?
In my opinon the best way to show my love for christ is by being obedient. Living the gospel faithfully and by developing a personal relationshp with him.Prayer and scripture study is crucial because if you don't talk to him or read about him you won't know him. Now loving like Christ is an opportunity for us to show charity to those we love. When we apply charity in the marriage relationship we begin to see our spouse through Gods eyes. There is a spirit of love and harmony in the home and your spouse can feel your love for them. Goddard spoke about couples who let the lord guide their relationship the quicker worldly problems faded away. When we develop charity for someone your able to see past their imperfections and see who they can become, what your relationship can become. Charity in marriage will endow the couple with greater power to resist the natural man. Marriage is a heavenly institution which means we can call down the powers of heaven to save our marriages. God has given us everything we need to be successful in marriage and in life in general. We were not sent here to fail.
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