you are loved

you are loved

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Charity never faileth

Charity never faileth

"Love for Christ, Love from Christ, Love like Christ"

 This qoute is from H, Wallace Goddards book called Drawing Heaven into your marriage.

He was talking about charity in the marriage relationship.

So what is charity? The scriptures describe it as the pure love of Christ. I also would add that it is also loving as Christ loves. How do we develop charity?  in my opinion serving others helps us to develop charity.

"Charity is first and foremost the redemptive love that Jesus offers all of us.It is the love from Christ" I love this qoute because it shows the depth of Christs love for us. It also shows us that charity is a divine quality, one step further to perfection. So how do we show love for Christ?
 In my opinon the best way to show my love for christ is by being obedient. Living the gospel faithfully and by developing a personal relationshp with him.Prayer and scripture study is crucial because if you don't talk to him or read about him you won't know him. Now loving like Christ is an opportunity for us to show charity to those we love. When we apply charity in the marriage relationship we begin to see our spouse through Gods eyes. There is a spirit of love and harmony in the home and your spouse can feel your love for them. Goddard spoke about couples who let the lord guide their relationship the quicker worldly problems faded away. When we develop charity for someone your able to see past their imperfections and see who they can become, what your relationship can become. Charity in marriage will endow the couple with greater power to resist the natural man. Marriage is a heavenly institution which means we can call down the powers of heaven to save our marriages. God has given us everything we need to be successful in marriage and in life in general. We were not sent here to fail.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Agency and Anger

Authors profile picture
Jenni Northcutt
 (3 replies)

Toggle message body visibilityAgency and Anger 
A cunning part of Satan's strategy is to dissociate anger from agency, making us believe that we are victims of an emotion that we cannot control. We hear, “I lost my temper.” Losing one’s temper is an interesting choice of words that has become a widely used idiom. To “lose something” implies “not meaning to,” “accidental,” “involuntary,” “not responsible”—careless perhaps but “not responsible.”
“He made me mad.” This is another phrase we hear, also implying lack of control or agency. This is a myth that must be debunked. No one makes us mad. Others don’t make us angry. There is no force involved. Becoming angry is a conscious choice, a decision; therefore, we can make the choice not to become angry. We choose!
These quotes are from Lynn Robbins Anger and Agency that stood out to me.So as you guessed it I will be talking about anger.So for me I tend to get mad quickly and easily that I am not proud of. In the past I used these same exuses, blaming the person who did me wrong. I always said I'm not patient enough or I'm too sensitive but in the end it was all an exuse. Its hard to take responsiblity for a trait your not proud of but needs to be done so you can live in full reality. The beauty of self dicipline is that over time we can overcome these expolosive behavior. I know for me once I have calm down I feel guilty, shameful, sorry, regret. Anger has never made me feel good about anything or anyone. Anger doesn't benefit anyone but itself. Yes anger and frustration are normal emotions we all experience but when those emotions run wild it becomes an problem. The church teaches everything in moderation and that includes emotions, thoughts,actions, words everything our lives entail.This talk definitely put me in my place but I needed to read it. The beauty of the atonement is that everything we have done, felt, said, experienced can be made right. The lord can teach us self mastery if we let him. We can choose joy and understanding instead of anger, resentment. I have a long way to go controlling my responses to people and choosing not to get angry but I am confident with the lords help I can achieve my goal. When we let go of anger, we are freeing ourselves from destructive cycle anger puts us in.

Friday, June 12, 2015



Discussion Board Posts
Based on your thoughts and insights from the week’s reading material, create a rough draft of the blog you intend to post to your online marriage blog and post it to discussion board so that other students in your assigned group can react to it before you post it to your online blog. Think of the discussion board as the work room where students teach one another and work together in order to increase the depth of learning and to prepare blogs that will help strengthen marriages. The discussion board is one of the primary learning tools for this course. Hopefully students will use it for its intended purpose. The effectiveness of the discussion board is dependent on the quality of interactions among students within a given group.
Initial Post: Due by Wednesday before 11:59 PM – As noted above, the rough draft of your post for your marriage blog is to be submitted to the discussion board no later than Wednesday evening. You will want to give group members as much time as possible to react to your post, so if possible submit it before Wednesday evening.
Second Post: Due by Friday before 11:59 PM - After the initial post of your rough draft, you are to read the rough draft posts from at least three other group members and react to what they have written. You are encouraged to respond by: posing good questions that further learning, sharing thoughts from a different perspective, building upon the comments of others, sharing an example that illustrates a principle or concept discussed by another member, sharing thoughts on how a principle could be applied, or by linking the comments of other group members to class readings or ideas learned in other classes. Especially pay attention to the context of what is written. Do the explanations from other students make sense and do they provide the background information needed to understand the principles?
Evaluation of Discussion Board Posts
Two times during the semester, your discussion board posts will be anonymously evaluated by your peers in your group using the "Discussion Board Grading Rubric," which is to be completed through I-Learn. This rubric is posted on I-Learn under “Discussion Board Peer Review” in weeks 6 and 12. You are entrusted to be honest in your evaluations. Assigning a student higher marks than what a student has earned not only does a particular student a disservice, but is dishonest.
Peer evaluations will be based on the following criteria: (Worth 24 points each; 48 points total)
  • Preparation
  • Consistency
  • Depth of Feedback
  • Helpfulness
If you would like to refer to a more detailed description list of instructions for this activity, please refer to the Discussion Board for Week 1.
  • Authors profile picture
    Jenni Northcutt

    Toggle message body visibilityPride 
    Pride is a very misunderstood sin, and many are sinning in ignorance. (See Mosiah 3:11; 3 t::,el . 6:18.) In the scriptures there is no such thing as righteous pride-it is always considered a sin. Therefore, no matter how the world uses the term,we must understand how God uses the term so we can understand the language of holyThe central feature of pride is enmity-enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen . Enmity means "hatred toward. hostility to, or a state of opposition .• It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us." These are quotes from Ezra Taft Benson's 1985 General conference talk Beware of Pride so you can tell this week topic is  on pride. So as Ive pondered on pride I asked myself what does pride mean to me in my life? So for me personally I never felt like I had an issue with pride but at that tme I didn't have a clear understanding of pride. I love these quotes for they do bring clarity to prides definition but I do believe pride manifests itself differently in each person. For me personally I realized for me pride manifests itself in spiritual apathy.Which totally took me by surprise I just thought I was weakness of mortality but that wasn't the case. I realized that by being apathic I was embracing the natural man instead of putting him off.When I was apathic spiritually I wasn't turning to God to help me nor was I trying to help myself. When we have an opportunity to turn toward God and don't its a manifestation of pride. Now I did not enjoy discovering this about myself but How can you fix something you don't know about?  So now that I can recognize those tendencies toward pride I can correct them through humility and repentance. Everyone experiences pride in different ways like I mentioned but the solution is universal repentance and humility.Now I know pride isn't something people like to discuss or hear about in church. Whether we like hearing it or not pride is a real threat we are facing in this world and needs to be dealt with.Unfortunately we aren't in a postion to live in ignorance for pride will come up and slap us in the face if left unchecked. Now I am only speaking from my experience with pride. My experience showed me in the long run you only hurt yourself and those you love.Pride destroys everything and everyone in its path. What can we do prevent from being a casuality of pride? Rely on the atonement of Jesus Christ to soften our hearts of stone through humilty and repentance.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Loving Kindness

  1. As you think about the principle, turning toward one another, and the following verse of scripture, what thoughts come to mind? D&C 64:33 – “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”
 When I pondered this question loving kindness kept coming to mind. Serving your spouse daily in small ways that show your love and appreciation. When I think of turning toward one another I envision a  couple focused on each other in word, in thought, in deed. They find joy in serving their spouse and getting to know them on a more personal level. I truly believe it doesn't take a lot to make your spouse feel valued and appreciated. All it takes is genuine interest in your spouse.No act of love or service goes unnoticed by the other, they see it and respond in kind.Now I am not married but I can testify of serving those you love.This week I focused on serving my siblings and my mother since I am not married. These principles apply to everyone and anyone, you don't have to be married to turn towards someone you love. Now My loved one didn't shout praises to my name for serving them but they recognized my intent was to show them love and responded in kind. I find great joy in serving others for it helps me see them as God sees them and that strengthens any relationship.
 Serve out of genuine love and interest for your spouse and see your love go stronger, affection grow sweeter, friendship longer lasting. When you put your spouse before yourself only good things will happen.