Discussion Board Posts
Based on your thoughts and insights from the week’s reading material, create a rough draft of the blog you intend to post to your online marriage blog and post it to discussion board so that other students in your assigned group can react to it before you post it to your online blog. Think of the discussion board as the work room where students teach one another and work together in order to increase the depth of learning and to prepare blogs that will help strengthen marriages. The discussion board is one of the primary learning tools for this course. Hopefully students will use it for its intended purpose. The effectiveness of the discussion board is dependent on the quality of interactions among students within a given group.
Initial Post: Due by Wednesday before 11:59 PM – As noted above, the rough draft of your post for your marriage blog is to be submitted to the discussion board no later than Wednesday evening. You will want to give group members as much time as possible to react to your post, so if possible submit it before Wednesday evening.
Second Post: Due by Friday before 11:59 PM - After the initial post of your rough draft, you are to read the rough draft posts from at least three other group members and react to what they have written. You are encouraged to respond by: posing good questions that further learning, sharing thoughts from a different perspective, building upon the comments of others, sharing an example that illustrates a principle or concept discussed by another member, sharing thoughts on how a principle could be applied, or by linking the comments of other group members to class readings or ideas learned in other classes. Especially pay attention to the context of what is written. Do the explanations from other students make sense and do they provide the background information needed to understand the principles?
Evaluation of Discussion Board Posts
Two times during the semester, your discussion board posts will be anonymously evaluated by your peers in your group using the "Discussion Board Grading Rubric," which is to be completed through I-Learn. This rubric is posted on I-Learn under “Discussion Board Peer Review” in weeks 6 and 12. You are entrusted to be honest in your evaluations. Assigning a student higher marks than what a student has earned not only does a particular student a disservice, but is dishonest.
Peer evaluations will be based on the following criteria: (Worth 24 points each; 48 points total)
- Preparation
- Consistency
- Depth of Feedback
- Helpfulness
If you would like to refer to a more detailed description list of instructions for this activity, please refer to the Discussion Board for Week 1.
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